Uni Bern supervisors
Adrian Aebischer, Michael Schaub, Raphaël Arlettaz
Schaub, M., A. Aebischer, O. Gimenez, S. Berger & R. Arlettaz. 2010. Massive immigration balances high anthropogenic mortality in a stable eagle owl population: Lessons for conservation. Biological Conservation 143:1911-1918. (PDF, 296KB)
Aebischer, A. 2008. Dispersione dei giovani e mortalità del Gufo reale Bubo bubo in Svizzera. Ficedula 40: 2-6. (PDF, 335KB)
Aebischer, A., P. Nyffeler, S. Koch & R. Arlettaz. 2005. Jugenddispersion und Mortalität Schweizer Uhus Bubo bubo - Ein aktueller Zwischenbericht. Ornithologischer Anzeiger 44: 197-200. (PDF, 1.6 MB)
Schaub, M. & R. Pradel. 2004. Assessing the relative importance of different sources of mortality from recoveries of marked animals. Ecology 85: 930-938. (PDF, 92KB)
Schaub, M. & J.D. Lebreton. 2004. Testing the additive versus the compensatory hypothesis of mortality from ring recovery data using a random effects model. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 27: 73-85. (PDF, 857KB)
Koch, S. 2005. Mortality factors and nestling diet of the Eagle owl Bubo bubo in Switzerland. Diploma Thesis, University of Bern.