Agricultural landscapes in Africa are still largely dominated by small-scale subsistence farming operated by smallholders. Many sites harbour high biodiversity. However, as most African countries are confronted to an unprecedented population growth and a rapid economic development, efforts to intensify food production are widespread, with concomitant potentially negative effects on biodiversity. In this project we are working in a highly contrasted agricultural landscape in the Ethiopian highlands comprising two distinct farming systems: intensively managed large-scale farming vs small-scale traditional farming. We aim at understanding the effects of management practices and semi-natural habitats on avian communities in order to deliver recommendations for a sustainable agriculture.
Uni Bern supervisors
Alain Jacot, Raphaël Arlettaz
External collaborator
University of Lausanne
Marcacci, G., J. Gremion, J. Mazenauer, T. Sori, F. Kebede, M. Ewnetu, P. Christe, R. Arlettaz & A. Jacot. 2022. High semi-natural vegetation cover and heterogeneity of field sizes promote bird beta-diversity at larger scales in Ethiopian Highlands. Journal of Applied Ecology 59: 1219-1230. PDF
Gremion, J., G. Marcacci, J. Mazenauer, T. Sori, F. Kebede, M. Ewnetu, P. Christe, R. Arlettaz & A. Jacot. 2022. Habitat preferences of the Ortolan Bunting (Emberiza hortulana) in its prime wintering grounds, the cereal-dominated Ethiopian Highlands. Ibis 164: 74-87. PDF
Marcacci, G., J. Gremion, J. Mazenauer, T. Sori, F. Kebede, M. Ewnetu, P. Christe, R. Arlettaz & A. Jacot. 2020. Large-scale versus small-scale agriculture: Disentangling the relative effects of the farming system and semi-natural habitats on birds’ habitat preferences in the Ethiopian highlands. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 289: article 106737. (PDF, 1.6 MB)
Related Master thesis
Marcacci, G. 2019. Large-scale versus small-scale agriculture: disentangling the relative effects of the farming system and semi-natural habitats on birds’ habitat preferences in the Ethiopian highlands. MSc Thesis. University of Bern. PDF