Abadi, F., O. Gimenez, R. Arlettaz & M. Schaub. 2010. An assessment of integrated population models: bias, accuracy, and violation of the assumption of independence. Ecology 91: 7-14. (PDF, 163KB)

Abadi, F., O. Gimenez, B. Ullrich, R. Arlettaz & M. Schaub. 2010. Estimation of immigration rate using integrated population models. Journal of Applied Ecology 47: 393-400. (PDF, 337KB)

Aebischer, A., P. Nyffeler & R. Arlettaz. 2010. Wide-range dispersal in juvenile Eagle Owls (Bubo bubo) across the European Alps calls for transnational conservation programmes. Journal of Ornithology 151: 1-9. (PDF, 508KB)

Arlettaz, R., M. Krähenbühl, B. Almasi, A. Roulin & M. Schaub. 2010. Wildflower areas within revitalized agricultural matrices boost small mammal populations but not breeding Barn Owls. Journal of Ornithology 151: 553-564. (PDF, 343KB)

Arlettaz, R. & R. Mathevet. 2010. Biodiversity conservation: from research to action. Natures Sciences Sociétés 18: 452-458. (PDF, 186KB)

Arlettaz, R., M. Schaad, T.S. Reichlin & M. Schaub. 2010. Impact of weather and climate variation on Hoopoe reproductive ecology and population growth. Journal of Ornithology 151: 889-899. (PDF, 346KB)

Arlettaz, R., M. Schaub, J. Fournier, T.S. Reichlin, A. Sierro, J.E.M. Watson & V. Braunisch. 2010. From Publications to Public Actions: When Conservation Biologists Bridge the Gap between Research and Implementation. BioScience 60: 835-842. (PDF, 8.4 MB)

Ashrafi, S., F. Bontadina, A. Kiefer, I. Pavlinic & R. Arlettaz. 2010. Multiple morphological characters needed for field identification of cryptic long-eared bat species around the Swiss Alps. Journal of Zoology 281: 241-248. (PDF, 256KB)

Bächler, E., S. Hahn, M. Schaub, R. Arlettaz, L. Jenni, J.W. Fox, V. Afanasyev & F. Liechti. 2010. Year-Round Tracking of Small Trans-Saharan Migrants Using Light-Level Geolocators. PLoS ONE 5:e9566. (PDF, 726KB)

Braunisch, V., G. Segelbacher & A.H. Hirzel. 2010. Modelling functional landscape connectivity from genetic population structure: a new spatially explicit approach. Molecular Ecology 19: 3664-3678. (PDF, 636KB)

Braunisch, V. & R. Suchant. 2010. Predicting species distributions based on incomplete survey data: the trade-off between precision and scale. Ecography 33: 826-840. (PDF, 532KB)

Chapron, G., R. Arlettaz & L. Boitani. 2010. Why the inaction on biodiversity? Nature 467: 401-401. (PDF, 113KB)

Coudrain, V., R. Arlettaz & M. Schaub. 2010. Food or nesting place? Identifying factors limiting Wryneck populations. Journal of Ornithology 151: 867-880. (PDF, 533KB)

Humbert, J.Y., J. Ghazoul, N. Richner & T. Walter. 2010. Hay harvesting causes high orthopteran mortality. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 139: 522-527. (PDF, 177KB)

Indermaur, L., M. Schaub, J. Jokela, K. Tockner & B.R. Schmidt. 2010. Differential response to abiotic conditions and predation risk rather than competition avoidance determine breeding site selection by anurans. Ecography 33: 887-895. (PDF, 227KB)

Indermaur, L., B.R. Schmidt, K. Tockner & M. Schaub. 2010. Spatial variation in abiotic and biotic factors in a floodplain determine anuran body size and growth rate at metamorphosis. Oecologia 163: 637-649. (PDF, 392KB)

Korner-Nievergelt, F., M. Schaub, K. Thorup, M. Vock & W. Kania. 2010. Estimation of bird distribution based on ring re-encounters: precision and bias of the division coefficient and its relation to multi-state models. Bird Study 57: 56-68. (PDF, 556KB)

Kröpfli, M., P. Heer & J. Pellet. 2010. Cost-effectiveness of two monitoring strategies for the great crested newt (Triturus cristatus). Amphibia-Reptilia 31: 403-410. (PDF, 155KB)

Reichlin, T.S., K.A. Hobson, L.I. Wassenaar, M. Schaub, D. Tolkmitt, D. Becker, L. Jenni & R. Arlettaz. 2010. Migratory connectivity in a declining bird species: using feather isotopes to inform demographic modelling. Diversity and Distributions 16: 643-654. (PDF, 1.1 MB)

Roulin, A., R. Altwegg, H. Jensen, I. Steinsland & M. Schaub. 2010. Sex-dependent selection on an autosomal melanic female ornament promotes the evolution of sex ratio bias. Ecology Letters 13: 616-626. (PDF, 760KB)

Sattler, T., D. Borcard, R. Arlettaz, F. Bontadina, P. Legendre, M.K. Obrist & M. Moretti. 2010. Spider, bee, and bird communities in cities are shaped by environmental control and high stochasticity. Ecology 91: 3343-3353. (PDF, 368KB)

Sattler, T., P. Duelli, M.K. Obrist, R. Arlettaz & M. Moretti. 2010. Response of arthropod species richness and functional groups to urban habitat structure and management. Landscape Ecology 25: 941-954. (PDF, 352KB)

Schaub, M., A. Aebischer, O. Gimenez, S. Berger & R. Arlettaz. 2010. Massive immigration balances high anthropogenic mortality in a stable eagle owl population: Lessons for conservation. Biological Conservation 143:1911-1918. (PDF, 296KB)

Schaub, M., N. Martinez, A. Tagmann-Ioset, N. Weisshaupt, M.L. Maurer, T.S. Reichlin, F. Abadi, N. Zbinden, L. Jenni & R. Arlettaz. 2010. Patches of Bare Ground as a Staple Commodity for Declining Ground-Foraging Insectivorous Farmland Birds. PLoS ONE 5: e13115. (PDF, 755KB)

Schmidt, B.R. & J. Pellet. 2010. Quantifying abundance: counts, detection probabilities, and estimates. In: Amphibian Ecology and Conservation: A Handbook of Techniques. (ed. C.K. Dodd Jr.), pp. 465-479. Oxford University Press, Oxford. (PDF, 203KB)

Servanty, S., R. Choquet, É. Baubet, S. Brandt, J.M. Gaillard, M. Schaub, C. Toïgo, J.D. Lebreton, M. Buoro & O. Gimenez. 2010. Assessing whether mortality is additive using marked animals: a Bayesian state–space modeling approach. Ecology 91: 1916-1923. (PDF, 283KB)

Signorell, N., S. Wirthner, P. Patthey, R. Schranz, L. Rotelli & R. Arlettaz. 2010. Concealment from predators drives foraging habitat selection in brood-rearing Alpine black grouse Tetrao tetrix hens: habitat management implications. Wildlife Biology 16: 249-257. (PDF, 695KB)

Zingg, S., R. Arlettaz & M. Schaub. 2010. Nestbox design influences territory occupancy and reproduction in a declining, secondary cavity-breeding bird. Ardea 98: 67-75. (PDF, 359KB)


Newspaper & Magazine articles

Arlettaz, R. 2010. Ecouter les chercheurs. Le Temps, 8.12.2010. (PDF, 2.3 MB)

Arlettaz, R. 2010. De la science à l'action. Le Temps, 16.6.2010. (PDF, 3.1 MB)

Sierro, A. & R. Arlettaz. 2010. Die Zwergohreule - Ein Vogel aus dem Süden. ORNIS 6 (Dezember), pp. 40-43. (PDF, 2.5 MB)