Andrey, A., J.Y. Humbert & R. Arlettaz. 2016. Functional response of leaf- and planthoppers to modern fertilisation and irrigation of hay meadows. Basic and Applied Ecology 17: 627-637. (PDF, 526KB)
Bertran, J., F.X. Macià & A. Margalida. 2016. How do colonial Eurasian Griffon Vultures prevent extra-pair mating? PeerJ 4: e1749. (PDF, 390KB)
Biollaz, F., S. Mettaz, F. Zimmermann, V. Braunisch & R. Arlettaz. 2016. Statut du lynx en Valais quatre décennies après son retour: suivi au moyen de pièges photographiques. Bulletin de la Murithienne 133: 29-44. (PDF, 1.5 MB)
Braunisch, V., P. Patthey & R. Arlettaz. 2016. Where to Combat Shrub Encroachment in Alpine Timberline Ecosystems: Combining Remotely-Sensed Vegetation Information with Species Habitat Modelling. PLoS ONE 11: e0164318. (PDF, 2.1 MB)
Bruppacher, L., J. Pellet, R. Arlettaz & J.Y. Humbert. 2016. Simple modifications of mowing regime promote butterflies in extensively managed meadows: Evidence from field-scale experiments. Biological Conservation 196: 196-202. (PDF, 577KB)
Buri, P., J.Y. Humbert, M. Stańska, I. Hajdamowicz, E. Tran, M.H. Entling & R. Arlettaz. 2016. Delayed mowing promotes planthoppers, leafhoppers and spiders in extensively managed meadows. Insect Conservation and Diversity 9: 536-545. (PDF, 214KB)
Casas-Díaz, E., C. Cristòfol, R. Cuenca, S. Agustí, M. Carneiro, I. Marco, S. Lavín & A. Margalida. 2016. Determination of fluoroquinolone antibiotic residues in the plasma of Eurasian griffon vultures (Gyps fulvus) in Spain. Science of the Total Environment 557-558: 620-626. (PDF, 1.9 MB)
Coppes, J., J. Ehrlacher, G. Müller, K. Roth, K. E. Schroth, V. Braunisch, and R. Suchant. 2016. Rückgang von Bestand und Verbreitung des Auerhuhns Tetrao urogallus im Schwarzwald. Der Ornithologische Beobachter 113:235-248. (PDF, 638KB)
DeVault, T.L., J.C. Beasley, Z.H. Olson, M. Moleón, M. Carrete, A. Margalida & J.A. Sánchez-Zapata. 2016. Ecosystem Services Provided by Avian Scavengers. In Why Birds Matter: Avian Ecological Function and Ecosystem Services (eds. Ç.H. Şekercioǧlu, D.G. Wenny & C.J. Whelan), pp. 235-270. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago. (PDF, 572KB)
Donázar, J.A., A. Cortés-Avizanda, J.A. Fargallo, A. Margalida, M. Moleón, Z. Morales-Reyes, R. Moreno-Opo, J.M. Pérez-García, J.A. Sánchez-Zapata, I. Zuberogoitia & D. Serrano. 2016. Roles of raptors in a changing world: from flagships to providers of key ecosystem services. Ardeola 63: 181-234. (PDF, 1.3 MB)
Emmenegger, T., S. Hahn, R. Arlettaz, V. Amrhein, P. Zehtindjiev & S. Bauer. 2016. Shifts in vegetation phenology along flyways entail varying risks of mistiming in a migratory songbird. Ecosphere 7: Article e01385. (PDF, 875KB)
García-González, R., A. Aldezabal, N.A. Laskurain, A. Margalida & C. Novoa. 2016. Factors Affecting Diet Variation in the Pyrenean Rock Ptarmigan (Lagopus muta pyrenaica): Conservation Implications. PLoS ONE 11: e0148614. (PDF, 1.2 MB)
García-González, R., A. Aldezabal, N.A. Laskurain, A. Margalida & C. Novoa. 2016. Influence of Snowmelt Timing on the Diet Quality of Pyrenean Rock Ptarmigan (Lagopus muta pyrenaica): Implications for Reproductive Success. PLoS ONE 11: e0148632. (PDF, 1.0 MB)
Green, R.E., J.A. Donázar, J.A. Sánchez-Zapata & A. Margalida. 2016. Potential threat to Eurasian griffon vultures in Spain from veterinary use of the drug diclofenac. Journal of Applied Ecology 53: 993-1003. (PDF, 208KB)
Guillod, N., R. Arlettaz & A. Jacot. 2016. Impact of spatial variation of a crucial prey, the molecricket, on hoopoe territory occupancy and reproduction. Journal of Avian Biology 47: 697-705. (PDF, 1.1 MB)
Humbert, J.Y., J.M. Dwyer, A. Andrey & R. Arlettaz. 2016. Impacts of nitrogen addition on plant biodiversity in mountain grasslands depend on dose, application duration and climate: a systematic review. Global Change Biology 22: 110-120. (PDF, 281KB)
Jiguet, F., R. Arlettaz, H.G. Bauer, V. Belik, J.L. Copete, L. Couzi, M.A. Czajkowski, S. Dale, V. Dombrovski, J. Elts, Y. Ferrand, R. Hargues, G. M. Kirwan, S. Minkevicius, M. Piha, G. Selstam, M. Skierczyński, J. P. Siblet, and A. Sokolov. 2016. An update of the European breeding population sizes and trends of the Ortolan Bunting (Emberiza hortulana). Ornis Fennica 93: 186-196. (PDF, 115KB)
Kühnert, E., C. Schönbächler, R. Arlettaz & P. Christe. 2016. Roost selection and switching in two forest-dwelling bats: implications for forest management. European Journal of Wildlife Research 62: 497-500. (PDF, 952KB)
Lavanchy, G., M. Strehler, M.N. Llanos Roman, M. Lessard-Therrien, J.Y. Humbert, Z. Dumas, K. Jalvingh, K. Ghali, A. Fontcuberta García-Cuenca, B. Zijlstra, R. Arlettaz & T. Schwander. 2016. Habitat heterogeneity favors asexual reproduction in natural populations of grassthrips. Evolution 70: 1780-1790. (PDF, 359KB)
Margalida, A. 2016. Flying free before building my nest. Science 352: 1246-1246. (PDF, 146KB)
Margalida, A., & M.À. Colomer. 2016. Improving the peer-review process and editorial quality: key errors escaping the review and editorial process in top scientific journals. PeerJ 4: e1670. (PDF, 1.4 MB)
Margalida, A. & M. Moleón. 2016. Toward carrion-free ecosystems? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14: 183-184. (PDF, 167KB)
Margalida, A., J.M. Pérez-García, I. Afonso & R. Moreno-Opo. 2016. Spatial and temporal movements in Pyrenean bearded vultures (Gypaetus barbatus): Integrating movement ecology into conservation practice. Scientific Reports 6: article number 35746. (PDF, 1.6 MB)
Moreno-Opo, R., A. Trujillano & A. Margalida. 2016. Behavioral coexistence and feeding efficiency drive niche partitioning in European avian scavengers. Behavioral Ecology 27: 1041-1052. (PDF, 4.2 MB)
Mühlethaler, R., V. Trivellone, R. van Klink, R. Niedringhaus & H. Nickel. 2016. Kritische Artenliste der Zikaden der Schweiz (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha). Cicadina 16: 49-87. (PDF, 895KB)
Nadal, J., C. Ponz & A. Margalida. 2016. Age and Sex Ratios in a High-Density Wild Red-Legged Partridge Population. PLoS ONE 11: e0159765. (PDF, 363KB)
Pasinelli, G., A. Grendelmeier, M. Gerber & R. Arlettaz. 2016. Rodent‑avoidance, topography and forest structure shape territory selection of a forest bird. BMC Ecology 16: art. 24 (18 p.). (PDF, 1.3 MB)
Plummer, K.E., J.D. Hale, M.J. O'Callaghan, J.P. Sadler & G.M. Siriwardena. 2016. Investigating the impact of street lighting changes on garden moth communities. Journal of Urban Ecology 2: juw004 (10 p.). (PDF, 788KB)
Prabowo, W.E., K. Darras, Y. Clough, M. Toledo-Hernandez, R. Arlettaz, Y.A. Mulyani & T. Tscharntke. 2016. Bird Responses to Lowland Rainforest Conversion in Sumatran Smallholder Landscapes, Indonesia. PLoS ONE 11: e0154876. (PDF, 2.2 MB)
Rehnus, M., V. Braunisch, K. Hackländer, L. Jost & K. Bollmann. 2016. The seasonal trade-off between food and cover in the Alpine mountain hare (Lepus timidus). European Journal of Wildlife Research 62: 11-21. (PDF, 704KB)
Resano-Mayor, J., J.M. Barbarín, D. Alonso, B. Fernández-Eslava, D. Villanua, J.M. Lekuona, R. Rodríguez & J. Arizaga. 2016. Primeros datos sobre movimientos de cigüeñas blancas Ciconia ciconia L., 1758 anilladas como pollos en nido en Navarra: 2012-2015. Munibe Ciencias Naturales 64: 121-133. (PDF, 458KB)
Resano-Mayor, J., A. Hernández-Matías, J. Real, F. Parés, M. Moleón, R. Mateo & M.E. Ortiz-Santaliestra. 2016. The influence of diet on nestling body condition of an apex predator: a multi‑biomarker approach. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 186: 343-362. (PDF, 592KB)
Resano-Mayor, J., J. Real, M. Moleón, J.A. Sánchez-Zapata, L. Palma & A. Hernández-Matías. 2016. Diet-demography relationships in a long-lived predator: from territories to populations. Oikos 125: 262-270. (PDF, 547KB)
Ryser, S., N. Guillod, C. Bottini, R. Arlettaz & A. Jacot. 2016. Sex-specific food provisioning patterns by parents in the asynchronously hatching European hoopoe. Animal Behaviour 117: 15-20. (PDF, 368KB)
Schrama, M. & R. Van Klink. 2016. Overgrazing. In Global Soil Biodiversity Atlas (eds. A. Orgiazzi, R.D. Bardgett, E. Barrios, V. Behan-Pelletier, M.J.I. Briones, J.L. Chotte, G.B. De Deyn, P. Eggleton, N. Fierer, T. Fraser, K. Hedlund, S. Jeffery, N.C. Johnson, A. Jones, E. Kandeler, N. Kaneko, P. Lavelle, P. Lemanceau, L. Miko, L. Montanarella, F.M.S. Moreira, K.S. Ramirez, S. Scheu, B.K. Singh, J. Six, W.H. van der Putten & D.H. Wall), pp. 124-125. European Commission, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg. (PDF, 5.2 MB)
Schulze-Hagen, K., H. Frey & A. Margalida. 2016. Ernährungsspezialist Bartgeier: Der Vogel, der von Knochen lebt. Der Falke 63 (Sonderheft): 8-15. (PDF, 6.9 MB)
van Klink, R., S. Nolte, F.S. Mandema, D.D.G. Lagendijk, M.F. WallisDeVries, J.P. Bakker, P. Esselink & C. Smit. 2016. Effects of grazing management on biodiversity across trophic levels–The importance of livestock species and stocking density in salt marshes. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 235: 329-339. (PDF, 705KB)
van Klink, R., J.L. Ruifrok & C. Smit. 2016. Rewilding with large herbivores: Direct effects and edge effects of grazing refuges on plant and invertebrate communities. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 234: 81-97. (PDF, 1.5 MB)
van Wijk, R.E., S. Bauer & M. Schaub. 2016. Repeatability of individual migration routes, wintering sites, and timing in a long-distance migrant bird. Ecology and Evolution 6: 8679-8685. (PDF, 510KB)
van Wijk, R.E., G. Souchay, S. Jenni-Eiermann, S. Bauer & M. Schaub. 2016. No detectable effects of lightweight geolocators on a Palaearctic-African long-distance migrant. Journal of Ornithology 157: 255-264. (PDF, 343KB)
Williams-Guillén, K., E. Olimpi, B. Maas, P.J. Taylor & R. Arlettaz. 2016. Bats in the Anthropogenic Matrix: Challenges and Opportunities for the Conservation of Chiroptera and Their Ecosystem Services in Agricultural Landscapes. In Bats in the Anthropocene: Conservation of Bats in a Changing World (eds. C.C. Voigt & T. Kingston), pp. 151-186. Springer Open, Cham. (PDF, 1.0 MB)
Zellweger, F., A. Baltensweiler, C. Ginzler, T. Roth, V. Braunisch, H. Bugmann & K. Bollmann. 2016. Environmental predictors of species richness in forest landscapes: abiotic factors versus vegetation structure. Journal of Biogeography 43: 1080-1090. (PDF, 570KB)
Zielewska-Büttner, K., P. Adler, M. Ehmann & V. Braunisch. 2016. Automated Detection of Forest Gaps in Spruce Dominated Stands Using Canopy Height Models Derived from Stereo Aerial Imagery. Remote Sensing 8: art. 175. (PDF, 3.2 MB)