20.02.2013 Laura Bosco, Livio Rey
Nestling food and habitat requirements of the woodlark
27.02.2013 Nathalie Keller
Declining European Nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus) populations in Switzerland: unraveling the proximate mechanisms
06.03.2013 Laura Bruppacher, Isabel Kühne, Tobias Schmid
Grassland management: Butterflies in lowland meadows
13.03.2013 Sarah Delley
Effects of irrigation and fertilization on orthopterans in subalpine meadows
20.03.2013 Lea Hofstetter
Habitat parameter thresholds for sympatric species with complementary requirements
27.03.2013 Eléonore Tran
Effect of new mowing regimes on ground-dwelling spiders
04.04.2013 Easter break - no seminar
10.04.2013 Nicolas Guillod (1), Walesa Edho Prabowo (2)
1) A landscape of prey in the Eurasian hoopoe (Upupa epops): consequences of spatial variation of molecrickets (Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa)
2) The bird community response to different land use in Jambi, Sumatra, Indonesia
17.04.2013 Sascha Wellig (1), Debora Unternährer (2)
1) Mitigating the potential negative effects of tall wind turbines on bats: vertical activity profiles and relationships to wind speed
2) Post-fire forest bird community changes in temperate and mediterranean woodlands
01.05.2013 Nadine Apolloni
Habitat selection and home range use of adult little owls: Recognizing the importance of scale
18.09.2013 Olivier Roth
Introduction into life and work at CB (for future BSc/MSc students of the division)
25.09.2013 Eva Schöll (Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien)
The effect of altitude on rate of energy expenditure in great tits Parus major
02.10.2013 Daniela Schmieder
Niche partitioning in similar, closely related sympatric species - a mechanical and sensory approach
09.10.2013 Antonia Hubancheva (National Museum of Natural History, Bulgaria)
Bat Conservation in Bulgaria: Diet analyses and new guidelines for a better conservation policy
16.10.2013 Irene Nesti
23.10.2013 Pierrick Buri
PhD defense rehearsal
30.10.2013 Laura Bruppacher and Isabel Kühne
MSc and BSc work results
06.11.2013 Sarah Delley
Mid-terms effects of fertilisation and irrigation on orthopterans
13.11.2013 Walesa Edho Prabowo
The response of bird communities to different land-use in Jambi, Sumatera, Indonesia
20.11.2013 Laura Bosco (1) and Livio Rey (2)
(1) The Effects Of Landscape Fragmentation On The Habitat Use Of Woodlarks Lullula arborea And Their Prey and (2) Prey selection in a ground-feeding insectivorous passerine in intensively managed vineyards
27.11.2013 Debora Unternährer
BSc work results: Post-fire forest bird community changes in temperate and Mediterranean woodlands
04.12.2013 Nathalie Keller
Vegetation Structure in potential and suitable habitat of the European Nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus) in Valais, Switzerland
11.12.2013 Silvia Zingg
Assessing the links between farmland biodiversity and agricultural productivity at landscape scale
18.12.2013 Seminar cancelled