09.02.2014 Alexander Grendelmeier
The Wood Warbler in Switzerland: What we have learned so far
26.02.2014 Debora Unternährer & Chantal Herzog
Long-term effects of different mowing regimes on wild bees and bumblebees (Hymenoptera)
05.03.2014 Claire Guyot (1) & Roman Bühler (2)
(1) Species-specific effects of ground vegetation on birds occurring in vineyards in the canton of Valais
(2) What determines nest predation in the ground nesting bird woodlark
12.03.2014 Livio Rey
Evaluating bird species responses to a wildfire in southern Switzerland
19.03.2014 Isabel Kühne & Timea Szikora
Effects of different mowing treatments on moths and parasitic wasps in extensively managed meadows in the Swiss lowlands
26.03.2014 Stefanie Roder (1), Oliver Dosch (2), Lukas Lischer (3) & Eva Ritschard (4)
(1) Structural complexity in different mountain forest types: are there niches for indicator bird species ?
(4) The effect of ecological compensation areas on bird diversity in agricultural landscapes
02.04.2014 Sarah Delley
Effects of irrigation and fertilization on microclimate and orthopterans in subalpine meadows
17.09.2014 Eva Ritschard
The effect of connectivity between ecological compensation areas on bird biodiversity (BSc results)
24.09.2014 Livio Rey
Evaluating bird species responses to wildfires in southern Switzerland (MSc, first results)
01.10.2014 Isabel Kühne
Effects of Landscape and Management on Moths in Swiss Lowlands (MSc, first results)
08.10.2014 Jaime Resano (University of Barcelona)
Study of the feeding ecology of Bonelli's Eagle Aquila fasciata: effects of diet on body condition, vital rates and demography (PhD thesis results)
15.10.2014 Debora Unternährer and Chantal Herzog
Let's save the wild bees! Long-term effects of grassland management on abundance and species richness
22.10.2014 Malie Lessard-Therrien (1) and Lukas Lischer (2)
(1) Biodiversity and farming practices in montane and subalpine agro-ecosystems (PhD proposal)
(2) The influence of irrigation and fertilization of montane and subalpine meadows on ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) (BSc results)
29.10.2014 Timea Szikora
Effects of different mowing regimes on parasitic wasps in Swiss lowland extensively managed meadows (MSc, first results)
05.11.2014 Nathalie Keller
The decline of the European nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus) in Switzerland: habitat change or drop in food supply? New guidelines for habitat management (MSc, final results)
12.11.2014 Julian Schrader (University of Göttingen)
Pollination services in rice dominated landscapes
depend on habitat heterogeneity
19.11.2014 Sergio Vignali (University of Siena)
Modelling distribution and movement patterns of the Bearded vulture in the Swiss Alps: from casual observations to individual satellite-telemetry
26.11.2014 Roman Bühler (1) and Stefanie Roder (2)
(1) What determines nest predation in the ground nesting bird woodlark (Lululla arborea)
(2) Structural complexity in different mountain forest types: are there niches for indicator bird species ?
03.12.2014 Sandro Wanner
Bird flight behaviour around a wind turbine in a Swiss alpine valley and validation of a collision mitigation system
10.12.2014 Laura Bosco
How invertebrates and their avian predators respond to different vineyard management practices (PhD proposal)
17.12.2014 John van Thuyne (University of Lausanne, Geosciences) (1) and Alex Grendelmeier (2)
(1) VanThuyne - Ridge: a new interdisciplinary research center in Northern Botswana looking for fieldworkers
(2) Do Wood Warblers take experimental conspecific cues into account during settlement?