Journal club

Here we discuss a recently published paper relevant to the field of conservation biology. The paper is introduced by a pre-selected BSc, MSc or PhD student (mandatory for getting ECTS). The presentation consists of a short summary (10-15'). There is then a general discussion among the audience. Note that the autumn journal club (1.5 ECTS) takes place throughout the semester, whereas the spring journal club (0.75 ECTS) takes place only during the first half of the semester. Students intending to take part have to register on ILIAS before the start of the journal club. Registration of participating students on KSL should be effected at latest two weeks before the end of the event.

For Spring semester 2025, we will focus on reading the Swiss Biodiversity Strategy, particularly Phase 2 of the Action Plan. We will begin by summarizing the previous phases of the Strategy and Action Plan, then discuss more in details the goals, actions and implementation of the upcoming Phase 2 (2025-2030).

Location: Muesmattstrasse 27, room 116 (1st floor)

Time schedule: Wednesday, 14:15–15:00

Spring semester 2025


19.02.2025 Introduction to the Journal club and distribution of papers

25.02.2025 Open discussion
The Swiss Biodiversity Strategy 2012 (general summary). Focus: Sections 4, 7 and 8
Summary podcast

05.03.2025 Matilda, Tatjana, Robin
Swiss Biodiversity Action Plan - Phase I: Summary and aims

12.03.2025 Lara, Valeria
Swiss Biodiversity Action Plan - Phase I: Pilot projects

19.03.2025 Colin, Nicolas, Pascal
Swiss Biodiversity Action Plan - Phase II: Structure and background
To have a balance of opinion, here we looked at, in addition to self-report by BAFU/OFEV on the implementation of the first action plan, some reports or documents from independent NGOs such as Pro Natura, WWF and BirdLife.

26.03.2025 Céline, Lauren
Swiss Biodiversity Action Plan - Phase II: Structure and background

02.04.2025 Alice, Olivia, Susanne
Swiss Biodiversity Action Plan - Phase II: Objectives 1-5

09.04.2025 No journal club (100th anniversary of the SUB)

16.04.2025 Hannes, Janine, Luca, Michael
Swiss Biodiversity Action Plan - Phase II: Objectives 6-10
