22.02.2017 Introduction to the Journal Club and distribution of papers
01.03.2017 Robin Berger
Piaggio et al. 2016. Is It Time for Synthetic Biodiversity Conservation? Trends in Ecology & Evolution 32:97-107. (PDF, 1.9 MB) (proposed by Alain Jacot)
08.03.2017 Julien Mazenauer (1) and Gabriel Marcacci (2)
(1) Elsen et al. 2016. The importance of agricultural lands for Himalayan birds in winter. Conservation Biology. (PDF, 460KB) (proposed by Alain Jacot)
(2) Buckingham et al. 2011. Seeded ryegrass swards allow granivorous birds to winter in agriculturally improved grassland landscapes. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 142:256-265. (PDF, 448KB) (proposed by Alain Jacot)
15.03.2017 Deborah Carannante (1) and Hanna Mächler (2)
(1) Imbert et al. 2016. Why do wolves eat livestock? Factors influencing wolf diet in northern Italy. Biological Conservation 195:156-168. (PDF, 1.0 MB) (proposed by Stefanie Roder)
(2) Behr et al. 2017. Combining human acceptance and habitat suitability in a unified socio‐ecological suitability model: a case study of the wolf in Switzerland. Journal of Applied Ecology. (PDF, 1.5 MB) (proposed by Stefanie Roder)
22.03.2017 Maria Weinrich (1) and Marianna Rosso (2)
(1) Marja et al. 2014). Environmentally friendly management as an intermediate strategy between organic and conventional agriculture to support biodiversity. Biological Conservation 178:146-154. (PDF, 943KB) (proposed by Jean-Yves Humbert)
(2) Ansell et al. 2016. The cost-effectiveness of agri-environment schemes for biodiversity conservation: a quantitative review. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 225:184-191. (PDF, 409KB) (proposed by Jean-Yves Humbert)
29.03.2017 Sophie Marti (1) and Anaïs Binggeli (2)
(1) Rosvold 2016. Perennial ice and snow‐covered land as important ecosystems for birds and mammals. Journal of Biogeography 43:3-12. (PDF, 747KB) (proposed by Jaime Resano)
(2) Martin and Maron 2012. Climate impacts on bird and plant communities from altered animal-plant interactions. Nature Climate Change 2:195-200. (PDF, 1.0 MB) (proposed by Arnaud Barras)
05.04.2017 Corina Maurer (1) and Elisabeth Klaus (2)
(1) Seibold et al. 2015. Experimental studies of dead-wood biodiversity - A review identifying global gaps in knowledge. Biological Conservation 191:139-149. (PDF, 1.7 MB) (proposed by Vero Braunisch)
(2) Tillon et al. 2016. How does deadwood structure temperate forest bat assemblages? European Journal of Forest Research 135:433-449. (PDF, 1.6 MB) (proposed by Vero Braunisch)
20.09.2017 Introduction to the Journal Club and distribution of papers
27.09.2017 Deborah Carannante
Brambilla et al. 2017. A spatially explicit definition of conservation priorities according to population resistance and resilience, species importance and level of threat in a changing climate. Diversity and Distributions, 23:727-738. (PDF, 975KB) (Proposed by Arnaud)
04.10.2017 Sarah Ettlin
Hillebrand et al. 2017. Biodiversity change is uncoupled from species richness trends: consequences for conservation and monitoring. Journal of Applied Ecology. (PDF, 1.9 MB) (Proposed by Laura)
11.10.2017 Roman Roth (1) and Maria Weinrich (2)
(1) Wang et al. 2017. A science-based approach to guide Amur leopard recovery in China. Biological Conservation, 210:47-55. (PDF, 999KB) (Proposed by Alain)
(2) Weissgerber et al. 2015. Beyond bar and line graphs: time for a new data presentation paradigm. PLoS biology, 13, e1002128. (PDF, 331KB) (Proposed by Laura)
18.10.2017 Beatrice Schranz
Kroll et al. 2017. Assembly dynamics of a forest bird community depend on disturbance intensity and foraging guild. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54: 784-793. (PDF, 354KB) (Proposed by Alain)
25.10.2017 Yann Rime (1) and Jérémy Gonthier (2)
(1) Guo. 2007. The diversity–biomass–productivity relationships in grassland management and restoration. Basic and Applied Ecology, 8: 199-208. (PDF, 187KB) (Proposed by Jean-Yves)
(2) Duffy et al. 2017. Biodiversity effects in the wild are common and as strong as key drivers of productivity. Nature. (PDF, 4.2 MB) (Proposed by Jean-Yves)
01.11.2017 Sandra Grünig (1) and Jeannette Kneubühler (2)
(1) Fournier et al. 2017. Contrasting processes drive alpha and beta taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity of orthopteran communities in grasslands. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 242: 43-52. (PDF, 901KB) (Proposed by Jean-Yves)
(2) Rada et al. 2017. Habitat preferences of the grasshopper Psophus stridulus, a charismatic species of submontane pastures. Insect Conservation and Diversity. (PDF, 424KB) (Proposed by Jean-Yves)
08.11.2017 Noëlle Klein (1) and Marco Pilati (2)
(1) Hunter et al. 2016. Two roles for ecological surrogacy: Indicator surrogates and management surrogates. Ecological Indicators, 63: 121-125. (PDF, 269KB) (Proposed by Vero)
(2) Valerio et al. 2016. The reliability of a composite biodiversity indicator in predicting bird species richness at different spatial scales. Ecological Indicators, 71: 627-635. (PDF, 1.9 MB) (Proposed by Vero)
15.11.2017 Julia Besimo (1) and Anaïs Binggeli (2)
(1) Masoni et al. 2017. Management matters: A comparison of ant assemblages in organic and conventional vineyards. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 246: 175-183. (PDF, 957KB) (Proposed by Laura)
(2) Batáry et al. 2017. The former Iron Curtain still drives biodiversity–profit trade-offs in German agriculture. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1, 1279. (PDF, 1.9 MB) (Proposed by Silvia)
22.11.2017 Astrance Fenestraz (1) and Sophie Ruefenacht (2)
(1) Scridel et al. 2017. Native woodland creation is associated with increase in a Black Grouse Lyrurus tetrix population. Bird Study, 64: 70-83. (PDF, 2.0 MB) (Proposed by Arnaud)
(2) Braunisch et al. 2016. Where to combat shrub encroachment in Alpine timberline ecosystems: combining remotely-sensed vegetation information with species habitat modelling. PloS one, e0164318 (PDF, 2.1 MB) (Proposed by Jean-Yves in the name of Vero)
29.11.2017 Sarah Rohr
Oliver et al. 2017. Large extents of intensive land use limit community reorganization during climate warming. Global change biology, 23: 2272-2283. (PDF, 782KB) (Proposed by Arnaud)
06.12.2017 Dina Gebhardt (1) and Leony Malthaner (2)
(1) Tablado and Jenni. 2017. Determinants of uncertainty in wildlife responses to human disturbance. Biological Reviews, 92: 216-233. (PDF, 482KB) (Proposed by Vero)
(2) Coppes et al. 2017. Outdoor recreation causes effective habitat reduction in capercaillie Tetrao urogallus: a major threat for geographically restricted populations. J Avian Biol. (PDF, 6.1 MB) (Proposed by Vero)
13.12.2017 Franziska Arnold (1) and Lucas Rossier (2)
(1) La Sorte and Jetz. 2010. Projected range contractions of montane biodiversity under global warming. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, rspb20100612.(PDF, 1.8 MB) (Proposed by Jaime)
(2) Machín et al. 2017. Habitat selection, diet and food availability of European Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria chicks in Swedish Lapland. Ibis. (PDF, 943KB) (Proposed by Jaime)
20.12.2017 Sophie Marti
Mansion‐Vaquié et al. 2017. Manipulating field margins to increase predation intensity in fields of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum). Journal of Applied Entomology. (PDF, 371KB) (Proposed by Silvia)