Fall semester 2021
22.09.2021 Introduction to the Journal club and distribution of papers
29.09.2021 No Journal club
06.10.2021 No Journal club
13.10.2021 No Journal club
20.10.2021 No Journal club
27.10.2021 Maria Villalpando
Jackson and Sax. 2010. Balancing biodiversity in a changing environment: extinction debt, immigration credit and species turnover. Trends in ecology & evolution, 25:153-160. (Proposed by Romain) PDF
03.11.2021 Célestin Luisier
Freitag et al. 2021. Restoration of plant diversity in permanent grassland by seeding: assessing the limiting factors along land‐use gradients. Journal of Applied Ecology, 58:1681-1692. (Proposed by Daniel) PDF
10.11.2021 Damian Roth
Game et al. 2013. Six common mistakes in conservation priority setting. Conservation Biology, 27:480-485. (Proposed by Stefano) PDF
17.11.2021 Maude Vernet
Roth et al. 2021. Negative effects of nitrogen deposition on Swiss butterflies. Conservation Biology, 1-11. (Proposed by Jean-Yves) PDF
24.11.2021 Laurent Schenker
Hernández and Zaldívar 2016. Ecology of stoats Mustela erminea in a valley of the Cantabrian Mountains, northwestern Spain. Vertebrate Zoology, 66:225-238. (Proposed by Jean-Yves) PDF
01.12.2021 Gilles Hauser
Hagge et al. 2021. What does a threatened saproxylic beetle look like? Modelling extinction risk using a new morphological trait database. Journal of Animal Ecology, 90:1934-1947. (Proposed by Romain) PDF
08.12.2021 Lucy Novovitch
Bowler et al. 2019. Long‐term declines of European insectivorous bird populations and potential causes. Conservation Biology, 33:1120-1130. (Proposed by Jean-Yves) PDF
15.12.2021 Shaquille Matthys
Fielding et al. 2021. Non-territorial GPS-tagged golden eagles Aquila chrysaetos at two Scottish wind farms: Avoidance influenced by preferred habitat distribution, wind speed and blade motion status. PloS one, 16:e0254159. (Proposed by Sergio) PDF
22.12.2021 No Journal club