17.09.2015 Introduction to the lecture series
24.09.2015 Markus Fischer, IPS Uni Bern
Assessments on biodiversity and ecosystems and the Intergovernmental Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services IPBES
01.10.2015 no PACE (due to faculty meeting)
08.10.2015 no PACE
15.10.2015 Annina Zolliger, UNA Bern
The Southern Damselfly in the Emerald Site Oberaargau - a small insect as a local flagship for a large European conservation concept
22.10.2015 Wolfgang Weisser, TU München
Mind the gaps - can biodiversity research be made relevant for society?
29.10.2015 Oliver Gardi, HAFL
Ecosystem services and vulnerability of urban trees in a changing climate
05.11.2015 no PACE (due to faculty meeting)
12.11.2015 François Biollaz, Pro Bartgeier
Bearded Vulture in the Alps: a successful reintroduction program, but not solely…
19.11.2015 Silvan Minnig, UNA Bern
Genetic monitoring of Eurasian beaver (C. fiber) in Switzerland after reintroduction
26.11.2015 Andreas Meyer, KARCH
Reptiles and Reptile Conservation in Switzerland – an Introduction Seminar CANCELLED !
03.12.2015 Suzanne Lommen, Uni Fribourg
Introducing exotics to control invasive ragweed: changing communities?
10.12.2015 no PACE (due to faculty meeting)
17.12.2015 Exam